Australia’s weather is extremely interesting. One minute you could have scorching heat and high humidity with no clouds, and then the next minute a huge storm pouring water. Nowhere was this more evident than when we were in Alice Springs buying art. When we arrived, it was about 35 degrees Celsius. About half an hour later, big clouds rolled in and then it started to sprinkle. Seconds after that it started to pour water. Within five minutes the street was flooding, and tables, chairs, sunshades and signs are flying down the road with people running after them to save them. We watched someone run out there to get a sign and she came back drenching wet, and she was only out in the water for five seconds! The rain blew over 30 minutes after in started and then the blazing sun greeted us. Me and my dad ran to the car and then we saw how lucky we were. One street had two feet of water! On the way back we saw the parking slot we were thinking of taking, with a downed tree over that spot. Then on the way to the airport we saw a park that thirty minutes ago was filled with huge trees and now had huge branches littering the ground like leaves in fall.