Walking through the airport in Peru, and the first thing I see is a camel statue, bigger than me. As we continue to walk through, I see a giant cow head. After looking at the picture, I noticed that the cow was smiling. Then Alex tells me of a wondrous llama. He showed me a gift shop with the softest plush I have ever seen. It was a llama plush made with real llama fur. As we continued walking I see a big llama plush. My

dad said I could have a llama plush if I come next year and hike Machu Picchu. We are about to get on a plane to Iguazu Falls, Brazil.
I love it! I didn’t hike Macchu Picchu, but I have been there. I would LOVE to go back and hike the Inca Trail. Have a blast in Brazil. Wish I were there with you guys!
Hi Ms. Blaha! I miss you all so much. Today we saw the waterfall. It was huge! Tell the class I said hi!:) -Maile
Hi Maile! I would love to hike Macchu Picchu with you next year! I cant’ wait until the next time I can see you! have fun traveling everywhere!