My family and I stayed in a castle for one night. The castle was 800 years old! I was a little scared because it was dark, but the night went by fast. In the morning, we went to breakfast and made new friends. After breakfast, we packed our bags and brought them out to our rental car. After that, we got a tour of the castle from the owner. She showed us the secrets of the castle and told us the history. The owner of the castle’s daughter was taking care of a bird. They found him in the grass because he fell out of his nest when he was little. He didn’t know how to fly so they were trying to teach him. The bird’s name was Martin the Fisher. While we were there they even gave me my own castle! Alex wasn’t very happy that I got a castle and he didn’t get one. He even put my castle under siege! 🤣🤣🤣

Chateau Columbieres

Maile’s castle

Maile under siege