Urquhart Castle, overlooking Loch Ness.
The Loch Ness Monster, probably the best-known monster. A giant long-necked, humped aquatic creature that has been sighted for about one hundred years. With sightings of people just seeing its head or people claiming to watch it cross a road. But is Nessie real? People have asked that question for as long as people have seen the creature. Some people believe the sightings and some don’t. I personally believe there is or was something in the lake. In the 60’s a group of scientists decided to see if they could find any proof that Nessie lives. After quite some time, with cameras recording every part of the lake to see if they could get any hard proof Nessie lives, they came out empty handed. A while later a second research team came in and used sonar to see if they could get an outline of Nessie on the screens. They, too, came up empty handed. Finally, a third group of researchers with a fleet of ships with sonar swept the entire loch and found nothing. After concluding that there is no Loch Ness Monster they decided to consider the question, if the people didn’t see a monster, what did they see? After they tested their hypothesis they came to the anticlimactic conclusion, that the people saw logs, boat wakes, birds or—in the Nessie crossing case—a mirage. I spent a lot of time looking out over at the lake to prove them wrong but found nothing.

Finding Nessie