“I wish I had never gone traveling.” – No One Ever

“I wish I had never gone traveling.” – No One Ever

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My Bed in Antarctica

My Bed in Antarctica

Antarctica is beautiful. Every day, the maids would put my stuffed animals in a cute fashion on my bed. Also, we won the flag that was sailing above our boat. We got as many of the staff members that we could to sign it. We also saw MILLIONS of penguins. My favorite...

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Antarctica was amazing! We arrived in Antarctica at King George Island on a plane painted to look like a Gentoo Penguin. We walked the two kilometers to the beach, so we could board a zodiac. The zodiac then took us to our home for the next five days, The Island Sky....

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How to describe Patagonia? It’s different. Different than other places, different than I expected. Different, but in a good way. I envisioned Patagonia to be a far-off place with towering mountains and glaciers, a place of exquisite beauty. We certainly found those...

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My View on Glaciers

My View on Glaciers

I thought that all the hikes we did were spiffy. My favorite part was when we hiked on the glacier, Perito Moreno. We had to wear crampons--I felt like I was wearing lead boots. My Mom thought that we would be hiking on complete ice but, wrong, no points for Mom....

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Back to Argentina

Back to Argentina

Argentina is a jolly good spot for seeing, and drinking from, glaciers. While we stayed in El Chalten we hiked on the first day to a lookout of Cerro Fitz Roy. The second day we hiked to where the Grand Glacier and Torre Glacier came together to form Laguna Torre. In...

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