“I wish I had never gone traveling.” – No One Ever
“I wish I had never gone traveling.” – No One Ever
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My View on Torres Del Paine
Patagonia is a beautiful and exciting place to be. Patagonia is a huge area in the southern parts of Argentina and Chile. It has many gorgeous hikes with beautiful glaciers. One of the most famous parks in Patagonia is Torres Del Paine in southern Chile. One...
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Hiking Torres Del Paine
Today we went to Torres Del Paine, located in Southern Chile or otherwise known as Patagonia. Torres Del Paine is in a local language and translates to Towers of Blue. On the way to the Parque national we saw many guanacos, they are related to llamas, but the...
A few photos for now, more to follow from Torres Del Paine. Francis, our new friend from Tuscon. The loft in our dome.
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Ferry Journal
Day 1 Boarding the ferry. We just boarded the cargo ferry, Eden, in Puerto Montt, Chile; the boat is bigger than I imagined. Maile has been extremely excited for the ferry ride, saying it is the part she is most looking forward to. She is even more...
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Cruce Andino
Crossing the Andes from Chile to Argentina was originally a commercial endeavor, bringing Chilean goods closer to international markets. The route we followed has been in use since the late Nineteenth Century but foundered after the opening of the Panama Canal just...
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Punto Limite White Water Raft Tour
Today we went on a white water raft tour down the Manso river in Argentina. I always wanted to raft down a river with rapids and, as Master Yoda said, "Do, or do not, there is no try". To get to the river we had to travel across the continental divide; every river to...