“I wish I had never gone traveling.” – No One Ever
“I wish I had never gone traveling.” – No One Ever
Departing Las Vegas for Sydney, Australia.
Edinburgh Tattoo
Fantastic! Military bands, dancers, and especially pipers playing in front of the Edinburgh Castle. The finale was especially poignant--a lone piper standing on the ramparts of the castle high above the field playing "Sleep, dearie, sleep". [video width="720"...
Edinburgh Ghost Tour
Edinburgh has a very rich history. It has been the capital of Scotland for 300 years, but people have been living in the city since 8500 B.C. Not known to many visitors of this amazing city is another city where people lived under the streets and bridges. To see the...
Loch Ness
The Loch Ness Monster, probably the best-known monster. A giant long-necked, humped aquatic creature that has been sighted for about one hundred years. With sightings of people just seeing its head or people claiming to watch it cross a road. But is Nessie real?...
Sleeping on a train
My family and I rode on a train overnight! The rooms were very small and had a single bunk bed in each of them. I let Alex have the top bunk because I have a bunk bed at home. The bottom bunk was surprisingly cozy. I enjoyed the train very much. The train went from...
British Museum
Lovely London weather.