“I wish I had never gone traveling.” – No One Ever

“I wish I had never gone traveling.” – No One Ever

Abu Simbel to Hurghada

Abu Simbel to Hurghada

We were originally scheduled to see the sights of Upper Egypt on a Nile Cruise.  Stacy and I have traveled in Egypt twice before, and have experienced both cruising on the Nile and travel by local train.  Cruising is the most popular, and on previous trips, it was...

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Upper Egypt

Upper Egypt

After only a day in Cairo, we flew to Aswan to start our exploration of Upper Egypt.  Around Aswan, we visited the Aswan High Dam, and later the Aswan Dam where we took a boat out to see the Temple of Philae which was moved from its original location where it was...

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Giza, 2021

Giza, 2021

Alex and Maile have finally made it to Africa, their seventh continent, and what a memorable way to spend their first day.  After arriving very late (4 am, maybe early is more accurate), we met up with our friends for breakfast at the hotel before starting our first...

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One year later . . .

One year later . . .

Our March 2020 trip to Egypt was canceled at the last minute along with every other flight out of the country.  Who would have thought, then, that it would be a whole year before we could make the trip?    Here we are, one year later, waiting at LAX for our flight to...

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Christmas on Bora Bora is hard to top, but Rangiroa managed to do it.  We had never been here before but included it in our holiday plans because I heard that the diving was good.  I really didn't look much farther into it, just figured we would check it out. ...

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Christmas in Bora Bora

Christmas in Bora Bora

Especially after being stranded close to home for the last nine months, it was great to get out of town and enjoy something close to normalcy.  I think this photo sums up Christmas in Bora Bora:  fantastic!  Thanks, Stephan, for the great family photo.

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