“I wish I had never gone traveling.” – No One Ever
“I wish I had never gone traveling.” – No One Ever
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The Orient Express
The Journey I used to think of the Orient Express as a train. As it turns out, it is a lot more than that. The Orient Express is a journey—from London to Venice in our case—that not only takes you to your destination, it also takes you back in time nearly one...
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Boarding the Orient Express
Checking in at Victoria Station.
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Back in London
As our 25th-anniversary journey on the Orient Express leaves from London, we had a couple of days beforehand to kick it off. We saw the closing performance of Betrayal with Tom Hiddleston and Charlie Cox and walked the city.
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Spring break at Whistler
It has been 10 years since we last skied Whistler (Alex and Maile were so young they don't even remember). In fact, it was Maile's first time on skis just before she turned three. Definitely overdue.
Hawaii is a beautiful place to be! All of the people are so nice, but the food, not so much. I'm not a big fan of sea food, so I might be the only one who doesn't enjoy the fresh fish. Boogie Boarding is a blast! I have to admit, there was a huge wave that I was to...
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Surfing Kahalu’u
Surf lessons with Kona Mike.